CYCE Stock Market Status
CYCE Bayburt Investment
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Electric vehicle charging stations are the infrastructure that meets the energy needs of electric vehicles. These stations are used to charge the batteries of vehicles and manage their energy consumption. The proliferation of electric charging stations along with electric vehicles forms the basis of environmentally friendly transportation. Electric vehicles produce no direct exhaust emissions and do not require the consumption of fossil fuels. This helps reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Electric charging stations contribute to reducing environmental impacts by improving energy efficiency and creating a sustainable transportation system. However, more stations need to be installed and fast charging technologies need to be developed.
We are working to make CYCE electric vehicle charging stations operational all over Turkey and even the world. CYCE electric vehicle charging stations, which have a more environmentally friendly system, take making our world a better place as their main mission.
Waste-free Silent Carbon Negative and Strong Next-generation fast charging station...
A sustainable future in the world depends on the use of renewable energy power plants. It is planned to build new charging stations all around the cities with an innovative design, including biomass, wind and solar power plants. Moreover, carbon negative energy will be generated in these facilities. A fueling-station-sized power plant, small, but runs on the most compact operating system with 2,5 MW capacity.
You will be able to charge your vehicle in 25 minutes. While your vehicle is charged in the stations spread all around the city, you can drink your coffee in the cafeteria, shop and enjoy yourselves.

In order for us to solve the global climate crisis, all humanity must act together.
CYCE is about to carry another new work into effect to resolve this crisis.
CYCE NFT, the NFT of our project, aiming to increase the use of renewable energy power plants instead of fuel-fired ones -the main source of greenhouse effect, hence, of global warming- will very soon be announced. CYCE NFT will be created by Crypto Carbon Energy on Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) network and it will be a collection of separate NFTs with different features. People who own one of these NFTs will acquire the right for illimitably recharging their vehicles for life in designated time intervals at charging stations.
Documents, Terms & Conditions
We take all necessary measures for you and the project to progress in a long-term and healthy way.

The token crypto asset we planned under the name CYCE , CRYPTO CARBON ENERJİ A.Ş. is a joint stock company registered in Turkey. It is the owner of the largest social responsibility project worldwide , published on www.cycecoin.com , aiming to add value to its energy communities on the website www.cycecoin.org .
CYCE by Ethereum blockchain to depend on prepared ERC20 standard protocols with smart contract arranged a token Download .
For the rapid start of CYCE projects , the developer team continues to work for its own blockchain network while it continues to exist as a token in the Ethereum blockchain . Once completed, the transaction tracking will continue through its own block chain.
Although CYCE came out with blockchain technology, it is different from the projects of this scope. The main point of departure is to gradually award 80% of CYCE crypto units produced to these power plants as a reward and free of charge in about 30 years, making these facilities value-added against fossil fuels and energy generating facilities, and speeding up the direction of future investments to this side. it will ensure the installation and operation of these facilities with the 20% part allocated for the organization.

Token Economy

As CYCE, we plan to evaluate the tokens we have created in line with the installation and operation costs of the self-energy producing charging stations that we plan to establish in the next 30 years, and then aim to make them more valuable. In this way, we aim to direct energy investments in this direction and accelerate their flow.
Symbol: CYCE
Total Supply: 42.000.000 CYCE
Token Standard: ERC20
In The Press
Developer Team

Global warming is caused by the increase in heat-holding gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and is thought to be caused by greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, resulting in an increase in average temperatures measured in land, sea, and air throughout the year on earth.
These climatic changes show themselves through increases in meteorological events, such as drought, desertification, instability, and deviations in precipitation, floods, typhoon, storm, tornados, etc
In 2015, under the Paris agreement made by the countries (for details of the agreement, to which Turkey is a signatory, please see: https://www.mfa.gov.tr/paris-anlasmasi.tr.mfa) The process of transition to clean energy, which is targeted by 2030, is not yet sufficient.
As CYCE, we have been working hard for a long time to accelerate the transition to clean energy around the world, reduce fossil fuel use and make renewable energy sources more valuable. The modern world has entered into a new system of agreement and reconciliation, with blockchain technology, which is the structure of decentralization.
In this project, our goal is to ensure that all humanity can be included in this support mechanism to reduce and completely reset global warming and carbon emissions, which are the biggest problems of our world, by using blockchain technology.
Prıvate Sale was conducted between May 28 and June 28.
Symbol: CYCE
Total Supply: CYCE
Token Standard: ERC20
CYCE LISTED IN CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko
CYCE COIN offering a solution for global warming problem by means of blockchain technology is now listing on WhiteBIT Exchange based in Europe. WhiteBIT, working with more than 150 parities, is one of the most prominent exchanges in the world with its 300,000+ users in 190 countries. Providing its own mobile app, WhiteBIT Exchange has also a very up-to-date and reliable software. We are waiting investors from Turkey and Europe to meet CYCE in WhiteBIT Exchange.
Power plants can register to the system either by telephone, via our website, by e-mail or by direct contact method. In addition, Renewable Energy Power Plants can register from the "Sign Up" button located above.
The Cyce system, with the aid of blockchain technology aims to ensure that the transition to power plants that produce energy with renewable energy sources are value-added and preferred. For this reason, if you are a company that produces energy with renewable energy sources, without any charge CYCE will reward you for the energy production of this facility. You will be rewarded with many different benefits in the coming periods, both free of charge and being valued in the future.
The mere existence of the power plants in the system will be profitable; Since the initial CYCE sales which will start with 1 dollar in the public offering, will have a dynamic valuation continuously due to the general structure of the project, it is sufficient for your plant to exist, operate and produce energy.
The amount of CYCE coins to be loaded into your account is calculated with your current installed power. The CYCE system has a progressive appraisal mathematics. The factor affecting this valuation is which of the renewable energy sources you have and the capacity of your installed power. In the simplest terms; for each 1 KW of installed power for the Hydroelectric Power Plant, 1 CYCE asset is added to your account
Register your Plant by clicking the "Register" button.
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