Impact of Renewable Energy Sources

Impact of Renewable Energy Sources

Impact of Renewable Energy Sources


Renewable energy sources; How much of our energy comes from renewable energy?

Renewable energy collectively defines a number of energy sources. These are; biomass, hydroelectricity, solar, wind, geothermal, wave, and tidal. You can examine the share of renewable energy sources in primary energy from the chart below.



Share of hydroelectric energy in total energy,


The share of solar energy in total energy,


The share of wind energy in total energy,


From the chart below, you can examine the year-over-year change in world energy consumption according to its source. You can make detailed examinations by filtering by country in the interactive chart.


In the chart below, you can examine the change of fossil fuels versus low carbon energy from year to year.


Token Economy



As CYCE, we plan to evaluate the tokens we have created in line with the installation and operation costs of the self-energy producing charging stations that we plan to establish in the next 30 years, and then aim to make them more valuable. In this way, we aim to direct energy investments in this direction and accelerate their flow.

Symbol: CYCE

Total Supply: 42.000.000 CYCE

Token Standard: ERC20