Global Warming and CO2
Entrance Security
CYCE provides maximum security for each individual or corporate members by using KYC and 2FA verification system during each login. These:
KYC Authentication : : KYC is a new generation authentication method. Members of a real person and that person really ensure consistency declared facility data. When registering, the person requests a national identity card, face verification, and additional statements. In this way, it ensures that the right person can be reached both during registration and in case of a security breach.
2FA :During CYCE login , 2FA uses Google authnticator authentication. It consists of using a second step when logging into accounts based on a two-factor authentication system . Implemented in the form of entering a code next to the password with an SMS sent to the phone, 2FA provides an extra layer of security.
Global Warming and CO2
Global Warming
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature throughout the year, which has existed in the world balance for centuries, as a result of the increase in industry, technological developments, population, and consequently the increase in energy production with fossil fuels. Global Climate Change is the climate changes caused by global warming caused by greenhouse gases whose amount and intensity increase in the atmosphere as a result of activities such as consumption of fossil fuels, industrial and agricultural activities. These climatic changes show themselves through increases in meteorological events, such as drought, desertification, instability, and deviations in precipitation, floods, typhoon, storm, tornados, etc
What is CO2 Emission?
CO2 Emission, also known as carbon emission, refers to the release of carbon formed in nature to the atmosphere. Carbon emissions can occur naturally and in ways caused by human hands. Animals, humans, and plants emitting carbon dioxide while breathing and this can be given as an example of naturally occurring carbon. Through the biodegradation process of animals and plants that die in nature, carbon is released into the atmosphere again. These are one of the ways nature maintains its own carbon emission balance. And these are not harmful to our nature. The harmful part is the part that is "caused by the human hand". Unwanted carbon and other greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere in cases such as the use and refining of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil.
Unconscious fossil fuel use causes an irreversible carbon emission. One of the most important causes of climate change is "carbon emission".
Despite the high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, this never harms the human body or any other living organism.
Then why is CO2 bad for us?
Like other greenhouse gases, CO2 absorbs radiation and prevents heat from escaping from our atmosphere. While the natural amount of CO2 also plays an important role in protecting our ecosystem, large amounts of CO2 have a greenhouse gas effect in the atmosphere, collecting and storing heat and thus disrupting weather patterns, causing global temperatures and other anthropogenic climate changes.
In other words, CO2 is a greenhouse gas that absorbs radiation and does not allow heat to go out of our atmosphere.
Let's take a look at what are the causes of carbon emissions.
• Density developing due to uncontrolled population growth
• Rapid progress of industrialization
• Increasing demand for global energy day by day
• Uncontrolled and unconscious release of greenhouse gases to nature
Decreased sensitivity to nature One of the most important things to do to reduce carbon emissions is to reduce the use of "fossil fuels".
Why Are CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Important?
CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans are some of the main causes of climate change. And that's why it's important. Greenhouse gas emissions arising from human activities are the main factor of this warming. How much of the warming since 1850 can be attributed to human activities? Almost all. IPCC[1] In the last evaluation report it published;
“Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have increased since the pre-industrial era, resulting from economic and population growth, and are now higher than ever. This has led to unprecedented atmospheric consequences for at least the past 800,000 years. Its effects, along with those of other anthropogenic drivers, have been detected throughout the climate system and are likely to be the dominant cause of the warming observed since the mid-20th century.
You can examine the average temperature anomaly in the interactive graph below.
[1] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Token Economy
As CYCE, we plan to evaluate the tokens we have created in line with the installation and operation costs of the self-energy producing charging stations that we plan to establish in the next 30 years, and then aim to make them more valuable. In this way, we aim to direct energy investments in this direction and accelerate their flow.
Symbol: CYCE
Total Supply: 42.000.000 CYCE
Token Standard: ERC20