Entrance Security

CYCE provides maximum security for each individual or corporate members by using KYC and 2FA verification system during each login. These:
KYC Authentication : : KYC is a new generation authentication method. Members of a real person and that person really ensure consistency declared facility data. When registering, the person requests a national identity card, face verification, and additional statements. In this way, it ensures that the right person can be reached both during registration and in case of a security breach.
2FA :During CYCE login , 2FA uses Google authnticator authentication. It consists of using a second step when logging into accounts based on a two-factor authentication system . Implemented in the form of entering a code next to the password with an SMS sent to the phone, 2FA provides an extra layer of security.

CYCE listed on WhiteBIT on October 22
WhiteBIT Exchange
Offering a solution to global warming with Blockchain technology, CYCE COIN is now on WhiteBIT, a Europe based exchange. Operating in 190 countries and with more than 300.000 users and more than 150 pairs, WhiteBIT is one of the most prominent exchanges in the world. Offering a mobile app, WhiteBIT has a safe and up to date software. We are expecting to meet CYCE investors both in Turkey and Europe.
The CYCE crypto asset is a token on the ETHEREUM Blockchain infrastructure, created with ERC-20 standards. The purpose of its creation is to produce a solution to GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE, which is the biggest problem of our world as well as to create a sustainable and positive environmental impact, and to transfer it to next generations in a healthy way.
While negotiations with national and international exchanges still continue, CYCE came to an agreement with more than 10 global exchanges. Right after the completion of infrastructure works, listing procedures will also be completed, and necessary info will be announced through communication channels.
Negotiations on presidential level with Kazakhstan, Gambia and Sierra Leone still continue within the scope of CYCE’s projected energy investments around the globe. One of the highlights of these meetings is the clause on CYCE to be accepted within the reserves of Central Banks of countries in question.
Following the completion of necessary procedures, CYCE crypto asset will be transferred to reserves of these countries through renewable energy investments to be made. These states will positively contribute to the market demand balance by acquiring an amount of CYCE that is equal to the demanded energy investment.
During the verification process of transactions (mining) made in the blockchain system, there is a constant energy consumption as it uses cryptography processors. Transacting computers consume mixed energy as they can RUN anywhere in the world. Especially in recent years, blockchain systems have become widespread and led up to increasing energy consumption.
Since the objective of our project is to reduce carbon emissions in energy production, we are also developing a blockchain system that does not create carbon emissions on the platform we use.
In renewable energy power plants to invest in, we are developing a blockchain system with a known source and traceable carbon footprint by installing verification (mining) computers with no carbon emission.
Basically, CYCE Blockchain will be the cleanest and most guaranteed blockchain system in the world, providing its energy needs from renewable energy sources.
“YES” is the abbreviation of Renewable Energy Power Plant in Turkish (Yenilenebilir Enerji Santrali). However, as CYCE, we prefer to adopt its own meaning in English because we say YES to renewable energy and NO to energy generation from fossil fuels.
Once a certain renewable energy power plant completes its registration through any of our communication channels, the system automatically creates a CYCE YES LICENSE for them. CYCE licensing teams continue to get in touch with these planting for informing and licensing them.
For a livable future, it has become mandatory for us to change our energy policies and strategies. CYCE teams work very hard to increase renewable energy power plants in value.
The main reason of Global Climate Change is the greenhouse effect created due to rapid increase in the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere along with industrial and technological developments. A large portion -such as three quarters- of these gases is created due to energy generation. As the world, we provide an average of 85% of our energy needs from fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal).
As CYCE, we plan to give 80% of our created tokens to operating renewable energy power plants as well as the ones to be built in the next 30 years in order to make them more valuable. Thus, we aim to channel the investments to this area quickly.
Project web site: www.cycecoin.com
Project Whitepaper TR: https://cycecoin.com/cyce-whitepaper-tr.pdf
Project Whitepaper EN: https://cycecoin.com/cyce-whitepaper-en.pdf
Project General Overview Video TR: https://youtu.be/IbrYyAoRwZ0
Project General Overview Video EN: https://youtu.be/UTFqO2fcYmI
Etherscan Token Address: 0xeadd9b69f96140283f9ff75da5fd33bcf54e6296
CoinMarketCap Address: https://coinmarketcap.com/tr/currencies/crypto-carbon-energy/
CoinGecko Address: https://www.coingecko.com/tr/coins/crypto-carbon-energy
BigONE Exchange Address: https://big.one/cn/trade/CYCE-USDT
Contact Information
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptocarbonenergy
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/u/cycecoin
Medium: https://cycecoin.medium.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cycecoin/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Crypto-Carbon-Enerji-A%C5%9E-110222424585167
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cycecoin
Github: https://github.com/cycecoin
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/crypto-carbon-energy/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCloXsvp__x4JeD4fRhBFO6g
Token Economy

As CYCE, we plan to evaluate the tokens we have created in line with the installation and operation costs of the self-energy producing charging stations that we plan to establish in the next 30 years, and then aim to make them more valuable. In this way, we aim to direct energy investments in this direction and accelerate their flow.
Symbol: CYCE
Total Supply: 42.000.000 CYCE
Token Standard: ERC20